Emergency Child Treatment


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Emergency Child Treatment Planner focuses on 29 problem areas most children face. You start by completing a 20 item checklist for each problem. This helps you rate each problem area and get a percentage score you can use to compare to additional problems faced by the couple in therapy. It allows you to complete a full Mental Health Status. You can then view and individually select from hundreds of behavioral descriptors, long term goals, short term goals, interventions, and diagnostic suggestions. You can email to yourself or others, your checklist results and score and any individual selections you made from the hundreds of the behavioral descriptors, long term goals, short term goals, interventions and diagnostic suggestions. There, you can edit or print your report straight from your email. It also allows you view a bar chart to compare each problem area rated, and to give you a visual representation of the problem faced by the couple. You can save this to your phone gallery and email it to you using your phone and include it in your treatment planning report.• DSM V Diagnostic Suggestions• Behavioral Definitions• 20 Item Checklist for Each Problem Area-Allows You Rate and Score Problem Area• Full Mental Health Status• Long Term Goals• Short Term Goals• Strategies or Interventions• You can Select Individual Goals, Strategies, Descriptors and Email a Full Report of Your Selections.• Full Bar Chart Representation of Problem Areas Selected to Compare
Using your smartphone you are always prepared to define a complete a great goal and evidence based therapy treatment plan. A Great tool to help you complete accurate treatment plans to submit to Health Insurance Companies wherever you are. A Great mental health app for counseling or counselors or psychotherapy or psychotherapists! A must have for mental health clinicians or future therapists, lcsws, nurses, doctors, mfts, and psychologists, or anyone interested in helping others or school.
Watch Video of App running in an Samsung 7:
You can also see a Video of App working on a Galaxy Tab A: